Friday, January 4, 2013

Sew begins a New Year...

Sew happy to be me...I decided to create this blog to share whatever may be inspiring me, bugging me, intriguing me, encouraging me...sometimes I expect that it will be happy, sometimes sad, sometimes humorous, sometimes joyful, sometimes deep, sometimes insightful, sometimes crafty, sometimes tasty...Whatever it ends up being...One thing is certain...It will be me. 

I was lucky enough to grow up with parents that encouraged me to be me. Now that I am a parent... I want my children to grow up with that same priceless gift.  It seems all too common of a thing to see folks trying to be something they are not. I believe with all my soul that one should be genuine, real and true to themselves. I have never been much of a ban wagon gal. I am more of a VW gal...or maybe even a unicycle gal...although my balancing skills can sometimes be challenged.  Anyway. I think that people who are truly happy are the ones that are happy with themselves... and that have been taught that it is only OK to be yourself.  I have had friends who when thinking of what to do with their lives...automatically choose careers based on what their parents wanted them to be... Those same friends, though successful in their careers...aren't very happy. It's sad...It's sad that it is so simple. In order to be happy...just be yourself! There is no one better for you to be! 

I chose music as my career. Music was the fabric that my heart and soul was cut from.  For the longest time... I would listen and dream and get lost in the whirlwinds of glistening notes. Van Cliburn was my inspiration....I recognized something familiar in him... His heart and soul seemed to be cut from the same fabric mine had been.  Now, after years of playing and listening... I discovered that I absolutely loathe performing... and now I teach, and compose. I balance. In my younger days... I didn't balance so well... I pretty much practiced, practiced, practiced and then practiced some more.  Music was all stalked my spirit. I dreamed of it. Spoke of it... Waited for it. It was my true love. 

Then I met James..I discovered he was my REAL true love...He is a percussionist...not just a drummer... He is handsome...He is funny...He is thoughtful and sweet... 

And we had 2 babies...

                        Rowynn (2.5 years old) S
       She is delightful... Independent....Beautiful...Smart...Artistic... thoughtful...compassionate... sweet...helpful...just precious... 

And Cullen -also called Babycakes (9.5 months old)... He is busy... handsome...a mama's boy...sweet as sugar...sometimes bites and nibbles...he's an avid recycler and coupon well as thorough toy inspector and sneaky hair puller. 

.............then I met balance. 

 Music became a form of my became a piece of me...instead of the whole me. I had to make room for more wonderful things in my life...I had to make room FOR life. James and I have been married for almost 4 years. It has been wonderful. He has encouraged me, and accepted me, and given me the most precious gift... our children.  I still have room for music in my life...I teach piano, theory and composition 3 afternoons a week. I even am getting to share my love of music with my children.. Rowynn can now officially play "Hot Cross Buns" on the set of 3 black keys...not to shabby for a 2 year old..Babycakes seems to have his daddy's knack for rhythm.  I am also completing my certification to be a kindermusik instructor. 

I am so happy that I made room for something besides just music in my life... over the last couple years I have discovered and rediscovered all kinds of things about myself... for instance....
- I absolutely LOVE sewing and designing.
- I love watching tv
- I love making up new recipes 
- I love creating
- I love reading
- I love photography
- I love embroidery 
- I love cooking
- I love stamping metal
- I love doing little crafts with Rowynn
- I love rocking Babycakes
- I love blowing bubbles. 

I am blessed. I truly pray that the only thing that Rowynn and Cullen grow up to be...are themselves. I know that whatever that ends up being... It will be wonderful. 

Sew as this new year is just beginning.. my resolution is to sew in love, sew in some stitches, and sew positive things in my life and my family's lives. 

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